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Ordonia, front of bus station
Saturday - Thursday 10.00am - 5.00pm
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Test Automation – Selenium with Java

General Bolt > Tools > Test Automation – Selenium with Java


This course is designed for automation testers who have coding skills. This course focuses on creating, executing and maintaining automation Tests.
This course includes hands-on labs and real testing project to reinforce practical skills and ensure you’re ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace.


  • Testers working at least for one year in software testing field.
  • Testers have good knowledge in programming languages (Preferred Java or C#).

Target Audience

This course is designed for Testers, QC Engineers and QC Leads.


Module 1:

  • Intro to SW Test Automation
  • Test Robots
  • Where Selenium Fits (Does/Doesn’t)?
  • Why Selenium is so important?
  • What is the different selenium Versions?
  • GUI Test Automation Basics
  • Why Selenium?
  • Install Java [Should be done before the course]
  • Install Eclipse[Should be done before the course]
  • Project Structure
  • Selenium “Hello World”
  • Hands on: Hello selenium usual and remote node.

Module 2:

  • Dealing with basic elements.
  • Basic XPath.
  • Hands on: Dealing with basic elements.
  • Test frameworks [TestNG]
  • Benefits of using test frameworks
  • Write TestNG basic Tests
  • TestNG Reports
  • Driving test from TestNG XML.

Module 3:

  • XPath and CSS locators.
  • Issues with new web technologies. [Locating elements, Waiting for events]
  • Waiting mechanisms.
  • Protractor calculator sample.[Hands On]
  • Accessing Complex Elements [Trees, Tables, and Tabs].
  • Review Web-Driver Commands.
  • Using JS with selenium
  • Scrolling an element into view.
  • Hands on a sample.
  • Assignment.

Module 4:

  • POM.
  • Implementing a full scenario.
  • Hands-on adding another scenario.
  • Configuring the test execution.
  • Enhancements [Parameterization, and grouping].
  • Data drove testing.
  • [Hands on Calculator with multiple data values]
  • Assignment [data driven using CSV file].

Module 5:

  • Multiple browser testing.
  • Screen capturing.
  • Constructed/Compound Actions
  • Hands-on compound actions.
  • Switches Alerts & Windows.
  • Upload files.
  • Running the test from the command shell.