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Saturday - Thursday 10.00am - 5.00pm
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Test Automation – Katalon Studio

General Bolt > Tools > Test Automation – Katalon Studio


This course is designed for automation testers who have coding skills. This course focuses on creating, executing and maintaining automation Tests. This course includes hands-on labs and real testing project to reinforce practical skills and ensure you’re ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace.


  • Testers working at least for 1 year in software testing field.
  • Testers have strong knowledge in Java or C# programming language.

Target Audience

This course is designed for Testers, QC Engineers and QC Leads.


  • Introduction
  • Tools Required
  • Selenium Webdriver
  • Katalon Studio
  • Ways of using Katalon[Manual, Recorded, and Scripting]
  • Updating the drivers
  • Recording the scripts
  • Project structure
  • Web Element locators(XPath, and CSS)
  • Object Spy
  • Dealing with basic elements[Buttons, TextBoxes, …]
  • Dealing with complex elements[trees, tables/grids]
  • Dealing with Alerts, Frames, and windows
  • Special Actions
  • Assertions
  • Setup/TearDown
  • Waiting mechanisms
  • Custom keywords
  • POM katalon style
  • Data-driven test
  • Organizing tests
  • Running the tests from CMD/Shell/CI tools